
[Scary] Elevator Story

5/28/2017 It was around 9:30pm when I got to my apartment. I live on the 6th floor and the only way to get up there is by elevators. As usual, I walked up to push the button. Before I even presses the button, the elevator door opened. What a perfect timing! Well, there was a tall guy standing inside the elevator, and not stepping out. And I was like... "Are you going up?" And he replied, "yes." And my body naturally walked into the elevator. And I was thinking why the heck did I ask that question. Why the heck am I in here. It was too late. I was already in the elevator. I smelled alcohol. He didn't even have the button pushed... If you don't have an access key, then you can't go up the apartment. I scanned my card and asked where he was going. He pressed 4 and I needed to go to the 6th floor. I'm regretting that I'm in the elevator with this guy. 'What if he was waiting for someone... what if he is a murderer, what if he stabs me with a k

At the Cross

4-16-2017 Happy Easter! I can't stop praising the Lord. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) Sometimes, I wonder why... why He loves me so much.  When others I've loved and trusted turned away from me, He still loved me. Even when I fail Him, He still loves me. How can I not be thankful for His love and grace? By His grace, I am saved. Today's message was on what it meant to carry the cross and how we need to live more like Jesus. These days, I feel like I'm wasting my time. I'm working 10 to 12 hours per day. But who am I doing this for? How am I glorifying His name? I want to do things that matter to God. I'm sure God will lead me to the place where I can serve Him at the right moment. Last week's sermon taught me that we can glorify His name by bringing others to Christ. And yes, that's the purpose of my life! I'm so bles

Things to do in Portland

4-6-17 Hello! Last weekend, my family came to visit me in Portland. First of all, Portland's a beautiful city. It's small, but there's plenty of things to do. We went to the waterfront to see the cherry blossoms. πŸ’ Then we went to the Saturday Market. I was feeling adventurous and wanted to try African food. Hmmm.... Hmmm... I got a plate full of seasoned chicken, chili beans, yellowish vegetables and mysterious dressing on a flat bread that tasted like a thick crepe. I liked everything except the flat bread but it's worth the try! πŸ˜‰ * * * Portland's well-known for its food trucks. (This is purely my opinion that has no scientific evidence. I think food trucks are amazing.) There's food trucks all over the city. This place we ended up going to had food trucks surrounding a whole block. I'd love to try all of them. I tried The Frying Scotsman because it had a good review on Yelp. And, Yelppers were right. Their fish cods were delicious! Afte


3-22-2017 Good news! My weeks are looking better. :) I got out of the office when it was still bright. Also, it's officially Spring. πŸŒ±πŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸ’ Thank God I'm surviving the busy season. I received another award. Hehe.  This one's from the partner. The managers & partners do recognize our work.  Seriously, thanks for the encouragement. I needed that to keep pushing through the tax season. * * * Last weekend, I went to SuBe Sushi. Great food with awesome company. πŸ˜‰ I got SuBe Ball and Tokyo Tower. Both were delicious and flavorful.  I don't have a lot to say for this week's blog. I'll come up with more interesting things for next week! Haha. πŸ˜…

Busy Season Update

3-11-2017 It's been awhile since I wrote my last blog. 😟 I've been good at uploading at least one per week until busy season started.  What's busy season like for an associate?  (This is 100% from my experience with the place that I'm working at. Other firms/offices can be very different.) 1. Work 65 to 80 hours per week.  This is 12 to 16 hours per day during the weekdays and I work on weekends.  πŸ˜ͺ😫 2. Do what seniors and managers tell me to do.  πŸ€– 3. Become best friend with a computer and Excel.  πŸ’»πŸ’»⌨πŸ–± 4. Gain at least 10 pounds.  The firm's been providing us dinner and a cube filled with snacks. It's good that they are feeding us, but I don't have time to workout so there's no way I can stay fit. πŸ•πŸ”πŸŒ―πŸ©πŸ« What I like most about this job?  (Trying to add some positive notes. πŸ˜…) 1. Working as a team. 2. People.  From coworkers to partners, they are supportive and encouraging. * * * So, I've been working on federal and state tax returns for

Shhh... This is very personal.

1-19-2017 ~ 1-27-2017 Last Friday, I got an upset stomach after eating unrefrigerated food for lunch. I rarely get sick and don't like taking medicine. So instead, I had wine πŸ˜‹. * * * On Saturday, my date took me out for brunch at Brix. We had bottomless mimosa 🍾. Then, we went to the ChocolateFest. Chocolate is my favorite "candy" (yes.. I said candy). There was about 90 booths and most of them were giving out samples. I've never had that much chocolate in a day. Hehe. 🍫🍫🍫   We had more drinks. Hmmm..This week's blog involves a lot more alcohol. BUT, this is unusual. People who know me, you know that I don't drink much πŸ˜…. Anyways, we learned about the chocolate making process. It starts out with cacao pod. I tried the white stuff inside it that looks like intestines. It was interesting... After spending 4~5 hours at the festival, we went to eat at a Thai restaurant. Forgot the name of the place... but it was really good!

Let it Snow!

1-10-17 ~ 1-18-17 Portland was covered in snow for a week! When the weather forecast warned us about the snow storm... here at Portland... I thought they were over-exaggerating. On Tuesday evening, I left work without thinking. I woke up in the middle of the night. By the time I looked out the window, there was approximately 5 inches of snow! πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š And it sure didn't look like it was going to stop. In the morning, we had about a foot of snow! I got up all excited to go out. Haha.  Yes, I'm still young and loving snow ☃. * * * I was surprised to see that the buses and the Max were running. Abandoned bicycle.  Yeah..probably not a good idea to bike... I made it to the office! Our office rarely closes, but we did close on Wednesday. It didn't matter to me because I still came in. I thought I'd be the only one, but another associate came. She and I enjoyed working in the empty office. We worked a little, talked for a half an hour, and looked out the windo